jeudi 19 mai 2022

Blog Content Strategy - 10+ Blog Post Ideas & Outlines w/ Sub-Topics and a Keyword Research Report for $75

As the lead content strategist for an educational platform and e-commerce website, I can provide for you thorough keyword research to uncover at least 10 blog post and article ideas using my strategies I've developed over the last 5 years. Along with each article idea will be a detailed outline of sub-topics to cover multiple related high-traffic keywords in an SEO optimized fashion while including keyword data such as estimated monthly searches for each keyword/phrase and there corresponding 'difficulty to rank score'. The end result will be 10 article outlines that can be followed yourself or outsourced to writers with less keyword research and content strategy expertise for efficient results, maximizing content quality and minimizing initial investment. Keyword research reports will be thorough and used to structure each article around related search terms for the (minimum) of 10 articles. Our research often leads us down avenues that open up more article ideas, and those will be included if that is the case.

by: jaketemple
Created: --
Category: Content & Writing
Viewed: 18

source https://www.seoclerk.com/linkin/530336/content-writing/1236655/Blog-Content-Strategy-10-Blog-Post-Ideas-Outlines-w-Sub-Topics-and-a-Keyword

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