mardi 27 avril 2021

40 high quality edu and gov backlinks for $5

EDU GOV PROFILE BACKLINKS is the most powerful links for newbie websites or businesses. Make sure that high da profile backlinks manually allow you to be on the FIRST PAGE of GOOGLE SERP Rankings. EDU/GOV: I will create EDU/GOV backlinks using some Biggest PR9-2 Authority Domains.(High Pagerank is on root domain, not page) anchored, and non-anchored, some with about me text, some without, which is the most natural, search engine friendly technique to use as it doesn't look spammy​. EDU/GOV BACKLINKS FROM: FUDAN.EDU.CN Mit.edu Academia.edu Berkeley.edu REMEMBER it's not about throwing a ton of low quality urls to your site, that just doesn't work, a handful good high quality links from trusted domains like these will do more good for you SEO efforts.

by: maria778
Created: --
Category: Link Building
Viewed: 15

source https://www.seoclerk.com/linkin/530336/Link-Building/914383/40-high-quality-edu-and-gov-backlinks

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