vendredi 1 mai 2020

Writing or Rewriting of User Interactive Document for $20

A User experience document will be: Friendly User Manual or GuideFocuses on the Needs of the Targeted CustomersEntertains customer needs Turns readers into users or buyers by providing them with an EASY AND QUICK SOLUTION to their problems UX style writing is a very effective and revolutionary trend in the world of marketing, that is quickly replacing sales copies full of upsells with friendly and persuasive UX copies. I can produce UX copies for: E-commerce Websites Skills (Cover Letters, Resume)Products (Reviews, descriptions, brochures)EmailsAdverts/Events/Promotional LettersSocial Platforms My work will be : Without any Grammar, Articulation, Spelling, or Punctuation errors Written in a Persuasive, Engaging, and Straight-forward mannerFREE OF PLAGIARISM (Copyscape scanned)Platform WebsiteMobile App[/*]Language English[/*]

by: dsrseo
Created: --
Category: Other
Viewed: 91

source https://www.seoclerk.com/linkin/530336/Other/748923/Writing-or-Rewriting-of-User-Interactive-Document

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