jeudi 16 juin 2022

I will do data science and machine learning in rstudio, r programming for $10

hello sir, If you want me to do your full projects, I draw a dataset from Kaggle and do the Machine Learning, Explanatory Data Analysis and Statistical Hypothesis Testings. Mainly I do Data Science tasks, Statistical Data Analysis, Machine Learning. I have a good grasp in Rstudio. I can provide services as Linear and Logistic regression Ridge and Lesso Regression Decision Tree XGboocted Trees Random Forest SVM (Support Vector Machine) MARS (Multivariate Adaptive Regression Splines) Deep Learning and CNN (Convolutional Neural Net) KNN PCA K-Means Cluster Analysis and so on For the ML purpose, I use highly advanced KERAS for Deep learning and Tidymodels for other machine learning algorithms. My main work area is the R studio. Besides I can provide the Explanatory Data Analysis with ggplot2 gganimate shiny r and so on Additionally, I can provide Statistical Analysis and Hypothesis Test Z test and T-test Paired T-test Chi-Square Tests ANOVA and so on

by: kingmakers
Created: --
Category: Programming
Viewed: 55

source https://www.seoclerk.com/linkin/530336/Programming/1258013/I-will-do-data-science-and-machine-learning-in-rstudio-r-programming

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