mercredi 29 juin 2022

I will do SQL queries and Analysis Reporting for $5

Included in EVERY GIG ( as requested):- Customer Behaviour Analysis- Customer Segmentation- Marketing Channel AnalysisThese domains cover common marketing problems.Analyst customer data and generate insights related to customer behaviour.Identify your best-performing salespeople, stores, locations, regions, etc.Would you like to understand how your sales efforts play out so that you know where to put your focus? Do you want to empower your teams with Sales Analytics?A meaningful approach is to consider what you want to Analyze and for what purpose(eg gain new insights, report, monitor, understand or predict).

by: Lebzar
Created: --
Category: Programming
Viewed: 40

source https://www.seoclerk.com/linkin/530336/Programming/1267998/I-will-do-SQL-queries-and-Analysis-Reporting

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