mercredi 24 juin 2020

I will convert blog post, article or text to video with voice over for $50

Your viewers no longer have to go through boring text on your blogs. Videos are known to be more engaging and eye-catching. I will convert your articles, which can be in the form of stories, news, reviews etc. into a video which you can use it on your blogs/Facebook/YouTube as content. Output will be in 720p. Provide me the logo/text if you want to brand your own video. Video does not include voiceovers. Will send you the video at my soonest. Why Video Marketing? Boosts Conversion and SalesShows great ROI ( 83% of businesses say that video provides a good return on investment )Builds TrustAppeals to Mobile Users ( 90% of consumers watch videos on their mobile)Engages Even the Laziest Buyers Encourages Social Share My promises Satisfaction guaranteed or full refund.Unlimited revisions. Feel Free To Contact Me Before Ordering!

by: SLBestSeller
Created: --
Category: Voice Over
Viewed: 21

source https://www.seoclerk.com/linkin/530336/Voice-Over/768201/I-will-convert-blog-post-article-or-text-to-video-with-voice-over

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